New for 2024
Gloria SwongerShare
Hello 2024! We have a lot planned for this year!
First, we have started making our own signature concrete jars! This will help us lower prices for customers, and save us on glass expenses. I'm sad to say goodbye to our Crisa glass because it's been our esthetic since we started this business over three years ago, but the glass is now almost triple the cost compared to when we started. It's just not sustainable for us or our customers long term.
We are running a huge online candle sale until May on our current scented glass candles, then that sale will also begin for our In Store customers Memorial Day weekend. The sale will run until we have completely transitioned into our new jars. The price of our scented candles in the new jars will be $20, and candle exchanges for In Store Customers will be $16. We will eventually offer candle refills to online customers as well.
There will be no changes to wax melt jars or pricing at this time.
Second we have started wax hands! Available Saturday afternoons through Memorial Day weekend. After Memorial Day weekend we will start offering this service during the week.
Lastly, we are offering private parties with more availability compared to previous years. Call or email to book.
Stay tuned for more exciting news, sales, and events, and as always, thank you all for supporting us during this journey!
*Post edited due to no longer attending the Great Lakes Medieval Faire due to a personal injury.
💚 Gloria